[Ntso] Officer Elections for NTSO, 2005-2006 year

Andrea Woodlief andrea_woodlief at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 1 10:07:52 CST 2005

Hello Everyone,

In case we haven't met my name is Andrea Woodlief, and I am filling in as 
secretary for NTSO for the remainder of the school year.  I just wanted to 
take this opportunity to remind all of the members that officer elections 
are coming up very soon for the new school year (2005-2006).  All current 
officers are invited to run again, or run for new offices.  Anyone who is a 
member of NTSO can run for office, and the election will be held during the 
first week of April.

For those students who are interested in running for an office, please 
submit a bio (200-350 words) and a picture to Francis or myself by the next 
meeting (March 31).  Francis will have a digtial camera handy in case you 
don't have a current picture.  We will be using the bios/pictures to create 
an informational handout to pass out to all of the members, and they will 
also be published on our new website.

I have included a list of the officer requirements and eligibility rules 
from the NTSO constitution. If you have any questions please feel free to 
contact Francis (roughneckbooks at hotmail.com) or myself 
(andrea_woodlief at hotmail.com).  I look forward to seeing all of you at the 
next meeting and Good Luck!!!


Any member of the student body who is over 25 years old, a parent, married, 
been out of school for years or just does not fit in with younger students 
may apply for membership.

Attendance is only mandatory for office holders. However, up to 2 excused 
absences from office holders will be accepted per semester when prior 
notification is given and proxies are provided.

Requirements for Officers:
All undergraduate student leaders must be students at SHSU and meet and 
maintain a 2.00 grade point average. All graduate student leaders must be 
students at SHSU and meet and maintain a 3.00 grade point average. Any 
student leader may be subject to removal from office by the organization 
and/or the organization’s advisor should the student leader fail to maintain 
the requirements as prescribed or the duties of office.

Officers and Duties
President - In charge of communications, coordinates meeting times, prepares 
official paperwork and keeps deadlines, mediates meetings and keeps group 
focused and on track, works with group to create goals for the coming year, 
makes sure group works within the confines of the mission statement, 
appoints representatives to additional committees as needed, keeps in 
contact with other non-traditional organizations across the country through 
ANTSHE listserv or other means, keeps in touch with student senate.

Vice President - In charge of membership and organization programming and 
advertising, works to inform the campus community about non-traditional 
students the Non-Traditional Student Organization and the services we 
provide, assists president with committees, works with business manager on 
yearly organization budget and programming funding, and responsible for 
making sure event log is kept up to date.

Business Manager – Non-Traditional Student Organization representative to 
student government meetings, is responsible for finding a suitable proxy 
when needed, responsible for presenting NTSO concept and budget at necessary 
meetings, tracks organization spending, assists with programming budgets, 
orders all supplies for organization.

Secretary - Takes meeting minutes, maintains listserv and web site, assists 
in poster design and generation for events, responsible for printing out 
fliers and ordering additional business cards, tracks office supplies and 
requests new ones when needed, creates correspondence (thank you letters 
etc), puts together mailings at the beginning of each semester for new 
students, requests mailing labels from registrar’s office for mailings, 
makes sure fliers are posted appropriately.


Andrea L. Woodlief
NTSO Secretary

"Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first."  
~Murphy's Law~

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