[Psychmasters] New Student Representative Applications

Squires, Gwendolyn gds019 at SHSU.EDU
Thu Oct 20 11:16:00 CDT 2022

Hi everyone!

It's time to elect a new student representative! As my time as student rep is ending, I'd like to take a minute and thank everyone for this opportunity and for collaborating with me as we make this program the best it can be!

This year, we would like to elect 2 student reps: one to represent the Clinical program and another to represent the Experimental/General program. Terms will last 1 year beginning in the Spring semester (Spring 2022) and ending in the Fall semester (Fall 2022). Duties as student rep include but are not limited to: attending MA committee meetings once a month, organizing and facilitating student events, and acting as a liaison between MA students and faculty, and more. If you would like more information on the role and responsibilities of student rep, please reach out to me.

If you are interested in applying, please send me a short paragraph about your interest in being student rep, any past relevant experience, and why you think you would make an awesome student rep! Please email me your paragraph no later than Friday, October 29th. If more than two applications are received, we will conduct a student election in November. More information will be shared at that time if an election is needed. This is an excellent way to become involved with faculty and your cohort. It is also valuable experience that you can include on your CV.

I am excited for the future of the program and hope to elect 2 new, fantastic student reps for the upcoming term! Please contact me if you have any questions.

Gwendolyn Squires
SHSU MA Psychology
TDCJ Leadership and Development
Neuropsychopharmacology Graduate Assistant
McNair Scholar Cohort XVI
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