[Psychmasters] Graduate Student Psychology Organization

Jaque, Alexandra anc089 at SHSU.EDU
Wed Sep 13 15:30:29 CDT 2023

Hey guys! Please check out this message from the GSPO President about our upcoming Fall Social!

"Hello Everyone!

It is time for the annual fall social! 😊 The fall social will be held at the Raven Lodge in the Huntsville State Park on Friday, September 29th at 6pm. Dinner and drinks will be provided!

As in past years, we are selling raffle tickets to raise money for the Graduate Student Psychology Organization (GSPO). We have some fun items lined up, including gift cards for restaurants, free coffee, etc! Raffle tickets are priced as follows: $1 = 1 Ticket, $5 = 6 Tickets, $10 = 14 Tickets.  We are also collecting $10 for dues if you are interested in joining GSPO. Anyone who pays their dues on the day of the social will receive 3 raffle tickets. All raffle tickets and dues can be paid via venmo to @Shsu-GSPO or in person at the social. If you pay via venmo, you will have to show your confirmation on the venmo app at the social, so please make sure you have access to this.

In addition to the raffle, we also plan on having music, games, and cohort pictures!

Please RSVP by emailing me (kxa060 at shsu.edu) by next Friday, September 22nd. Significant others/family members are welcome!

Additionally, I would like to introduce the GSPO leadership team for 2023-2024:

President - Kennedy Anderson
Vice Present - Ali Concannon
Masters Vice President - Alex Jaque
Secretary - Aislinn Tansey
Treasurer - Taylor Johnson

Thank you,

Kennedy Anderson, M.A.
Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student
Department of Psychology and Philosophy
Sam Houston State University
Clinic Coordinator
Psychological Services Center

kxa060 at shsu.edu"

We hope to see you all there, please let me know if you have any questions!


Alex N. Jaque
SHSU Experimental Psychology Masters Student
GSPO Masters' VP
Graduate/Teaching Assistant
Graduate Research Assistant - Cognition & Psychopharmacology

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