[Writersguild] {Spam} dignity and marched into the dining room. Yet in spit

Volpi Accomando voice at alps.ne.jp
Mon Mar 29 01:44:32 CDT 2010

Ght of it." "But we can't stay _here_ all night," said Billie
anxiously. "Suppose the owner should come back," added Vi, her teeth
beginning to chatter. "Well, he could only kill us if he did," said
Laura gloomily. "Besides, there are three of us to his one," said
Billie, trying to speak lightly. But Laura spoiled
the attempt by adding more gloomily than ever:
"How do we
know there's only one of him?" "Well it doesn't look as if a whole
family resided here." "That's so too--but there may be two, at least."
Again the
girls looked around the queer place. They saw

a few tools as if somebody had spent time in woodworking.
There were shavings and parts of cut tree branches and strips of
bark. "I'll wager he's a queer stick--whoever he is," was Billie's
comment. "And what will he say if
he finds us
here, prying into his private affairs?" came

from Laura, with something of a shiver. "Oh!"
All uttered a little cry as a
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