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Debroah Melendy emcee at ringu.com
Wed Sep 15 03:57:13 CDT 2010

Ield for its great preacher,

Fletcher of Madeley for its typical saint, Lady Huntingdon for

its patroness among the aristocracy and the chief of its "devout women."
>From the pulpit, but still more from the stand of the field-preacher and
through a well-trained army of social propagandists, it was assailing
the scepticism, the coldness, the frivolity, the vices of
the age. English society was deeply stirred;
multitudes were converted, while among those who were not converted
violent and sometimes cruel antagonism was aroused. The party had two
the Evangelicals, people of the wealthier class or clergymen of the
Church of England, who remained within the Establishment; and the
Methodists, people of the lower middle class or peasants, the personal
converts and followers of Wesley and Whitefield, who, like their
leaders, without a positive secession, soon found themselves organizing
a separate spiritual life
in the freedom of Dissent. In the early stages of the movement the
Evangelicals were to be counted at most by hundreds, the Methodists by
hundreds of thousands.
So far as the masses were concerned, it was in fact a preaching
of Christianity anew. There was a cross division of the party
into the Calvinists and tho
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