Boston Globe Online / Metro | Region / Think tank praises Boston's police

Dan Richard Beto
Thu, 17 May 2001 07:24:38 -0500

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<wire_Hertz>A  think tank in California has offered high praise for the Boston Police Department's handling of youth violence in the 1990s. It also has found that police in Boston and other cities must continue to strengthen ties to the communities they serve.</wire_Hertz>
<wire_header>Think tank praises Boston's police</wire_header>
<wire_source>By John Ellement, Globe Staff</wire_source>
<wire_Hertz>A  think tank in California has offered high praise for the Boston Police Department's handling of youth violence in the 1990s. It also has found that police in Boston and other cities must continue to strengthen ties to the communities they serve.</wire_Hertz>
<wire_header>Think tank praises Boston's police</wire_header>
<wire_source>By John Ellement, Globe Staff</wire_source>

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<font size=+2><b>Think tank praises Boston's police</b></font>


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<b>By John Ellement, Globe Staff, 5/17/2001</b>


 <wire_body> <P><img src= align=left>  think tank in California has offered high praise for the Boston Police Department's handling of youth violence in the 1990s. It also has found that police in Boston and other cities must continue to strengthen ties to the communities they serve.<P>
<P>In a 180-page report scheduled for release today, PolicyLink of Oakland said that community-based policing, as used in Boston for a decade, should be a strategy used nationwide.<P>
<P>The report praised several programs that had been credited for what has become known as the ''Boston Miracle.'' These included Operation Ceasefire, which targeted juvenile crime by offering jobs;  threatening prison; and proposing Operation Nightlight, in which probation officers and police kept watch on teenagers and potential troublemakers.<P>
<P>The study praised Boston police, saying they had forged strong ties with  communities based on faith, and with community groups.  It also said police had sought jobs, rather than prison time, for teenagers.<P>
<P>But Boston should not rest on its laurels, the principal author, Maya Harris West, said in an interview. ''The question for Boston, at this point,'' she said, ''is, `You have done well at some of the things. Are there other areas for community involvement they have not yet explored?'''<P>
<P>The study emphasized a crucial element  in community policing: creation of a body with independent oversight of internal police discipline and policies.<P>
<P>''The credibility of a community oversight entity is increased with an external, independent board,'' Harris West said. ''Community oversight provides an opportunity for the police department to receive input from the community about the delivery of police services.''<P>
<P>The study also recommended that police departments try unrelentingly to recruit new officers from minority communities, so that the force  reflects its population. <P>
<P>The Boston Police Department's  superintendent-in-chief, James Hussey, said he had not seen the full report. He said he welcomed any study that would give the department ideas for Boston.<P>
<P>Hussey also said that some of the proposals are in use, though not in the same form. While there is no independent oversight of the Boston police, Hussey said, department critics have long been welcome to offer their views.<P>
<P>Hussey  also said that the Massachusetts chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, and the Police Practices Coalition, have helped to shape internal affairs policies.<P>
<P>''Tell me the ACLU is not external,'' Hussey said. ''They will be our first critic if we do something wrong.''<P>
<P>Hussey added that at least six officers had been pulled off the streets, and that they had been used solely to recruit Boston residents for the most recent civil service exam. Similar efforts have been underway for at least a decade, he said.<P>
<P>PolicyLink is a nonprofit research, communications and advocacy organization. Its authors wrote the report with the Advancement Project, a policy and legal action group with offices in Washington and Los Angeles.<P>

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This story ran on page 5 of the Boston Globe on 5/17/2001.
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